Wednesday 1 May 2013

People Have The Wrong Image of Activism and Hacktivism Group Anonymous

Many people these days look at the Hacktivist group Anonymous with the wrong looks, but many rumours are wrong.

Many people think that Anonymous followers are just 14 year old kids who live in their parents basement searching Google for the latest hacking techniques; while hacking any weak business site just for fun. Others think that Anonymous is a group of Computer Geniouses that go around hacking websites and stealing peoples personal data and sharing them with the world.

No. Anonymous is not an invite only group; their is no leader. Anonymous cannot be defined by a description, since anyone and everyone can join Anonymous. Anonymous seems to fight for freedom and rights of the people. They are not a bunch of computer hackers that hack whoever they have to, to get their own way. They are freedom of information, and fight for it too, and use hacking as a tool to free information that should be free in the first place. Not for fun, and the majority of Anonymous don't even hack. They just spread the latest information that isn't poisoned by todays media. Most operations that Anonymous conduct day to day are protests to keep some sort of information free, and keep privacy on the Internet at it's prime, and keep censorship low. Everything that you see on television or related media releasing something evil Anonymous is doing, was poisoned. Anonymous may do some things to disturb the public, but it's helping a positive, greater cause to the world, and is just part of the problem to find a bigger and better solution. Anonymous has reunited many families and groups just of the goodness of their hearts. Anonymous has started up closed cases for lost family members, and helped find the missing person in the case, just because the skills and goodness Anonymous holds.

Anonymous is a group of people of large size that want to change the world that everyone SHOULD have rights in, and can ENJOY! They want to keep the peace in this corrupted world, where governments control all! I am in no way bringing this speech from the point of view of a supporter of Anonymous (I do Support Anonymous) I am bringing this for the people that still think Anonymous are bad people. The point of view is coming from a common citizen of the world, that watches the news daily after dinner, and in the morning.

Anonymous has made mistakes in their past, but they have formed this far as the love machine and authority of the Internet. They wipe Pedophile sites from the Internet, in no aggression. They wipe racist and sexist sites from the dark corners of the internet to keep it pure and free. They want to keep the internet free and make sure the world is informed! Anonymous isn't what you think it is or what the media says about them. They are people too, but fighting for our rights! Anonymous has been peaking headlines almost every week since the beginning of this year, and none of the stories are negative. They have reunited families that have been apart for long periods of time, they have helped find suspects to large amounts of crimes lately, and they have gotten the privacy hindering bill CISPA VETO'd by President Barack Obama! Before you hear something about Anonymous on the news in the coming months and scowl them, think about the things they have helped the world with. They -- No. -- We have done more good than bad (our sour past) so far, and are helping fix the world one step at a time. People cannot kill an idea. I am proud to say I am an Anonymous Supporter.

Anonymous Brothers and Sisters reading this, please share this with the public to get this out! People need to know that we are not the people they think we are! We just want freedom and our rights!

Please give suggestions to add to this article, as I would love to improve this article about Anonymous! We are Legion. United as one, divided by zero.

Thursday 18 April 2013

CISPA Was Passed BLACKOUT (Monday, April 22nd, 2013)

Please, If you read any article on my blog read this one.

If you want to keep your Facebook data to yourself, and keep what YouTube videos and Google searches you have watched and done private? Your not alone. I'm pretty sure everyone on the internet wants to keep their own information private from anyone they can. But now that CISPA has passed, the governments don't need a warrant to see any of this information, and no warning of them doing so.

I don't want to get into details, because I know I will end up starting a big rant about how the Internet was invented and what it was intended for.

Anyways, since CISPA was passed, the internet has been brewing up a storm. Anonymous and reddit users are furious. And the IDL and many other Internet censory sites. Which lead to another Internet blackout.

This blackout will take place on the 22nd of this month (April, 2013) and last 24 hours. Most sites are already planning a back up plan to keep the sites visitors away from the content to show what it would be like if the Internet was censored as much as it will be if CISPA passes. If you cannot stand this as much as me, and the rest of the Internet surfers do, please do some simple Google searches about the topic of CISPA. Find as many petition sites as you can and sign them, we need as many people as we can! The reason I am not supplying a simple link to go sign, is because you should look around for yourself, and see the posts in between the petitions, showing how CISPA will ruin our privacy!

Please support us! We need to stop CISPA!!!!

If you have any questions or comments, feel free to comment them below and I will answer them as best I can.

Tuesday 16 April 2013

We Would Like to Apologize To The Families and Friends of The Victims of The Boston Marathon Attack

I'm sorry for not creating a post about this, and sorry for talking in first person, as I don't per usual. But it needs to happen for this post. The reason for not creating a post about it is because I would not want to get into detail, because it is deeply disturbing, and don't think I could write about it without putting me into a dark mood. But anyways, I will continue on what I would like to say.

I am truly and deeply sorry for the grief and pain that the victims, and the victims family and friends, are going through and/or went through. I hope you the best in the future, and I hope everything goes well in the coming days as the news teams and investigators get more news about what happened. Keep your head up, everything will get better. You have support of all over the world! If you don't believe me, look at this post. The attack happened in the United States. This post and most of the future posts are based in Canada, as well as the MadChatr offices. The news came on about 1 hour after the event to the far west of Canada. That truly should speak for itself, since the news station is Canadian based, and rarely covers United States stories. I am also deeply sorry for the people that were close to the deceased. This event is the most revolting thing I have heard about for an act of terrorism. The suspect/ bomber had no reason to harm this event. It was about fun and happiness and running. People screaming, laughing, and having a good time, they had NO reason to go through this and kill innocent people.

As I said, I will not go into details about the event. If you would like to learn more, you can click here for a link to a news story covering the details.

I hope we find out what happened on this dark day, and again my condolences, if you need to talk to someone, or need more information, or just have something to say. Leave a comment, and I will reply as needed.

Saturday 13 April 2013

Google's Hilarious April Fools Jokes Revealed

We all know that Google has a hilarious past for April fools jokes and scaring people out of their wits with some of them. A great example of this was this years April Fools, when they made a quite convincing video about YouTube closing down, which we will explain more later. The other 3 (major) April fools jokes were:

GMail Blue:
Probably the the most simple joke they did this year, but the most traditional and relating to April fools:
 Google made a very serious video (in the beginning) that they were going to "revamp" GMail. By this they mean... Well... Making everything blue. No more other colours of GMail, besides to tint of blue. The video is quite convincing to the non-jokester portion of the population, but all in all, it's pretty funny. Here's a link to the page for GMail Blue.

Google Nose:
Probably the most funny in my opinion, really in the April Fools spirit. Welcome to Google Nose...
Google was saying that they are adding a whole new feature to their search function, as well as a new app for all the handheld devices. It was said that the app could "smell" things and search for them on Google. With their huge nose-base! I think this is the most funny joke, but not the biggest, which brings us to the most major April Fools joke Google has pulled this year.

YouTube's Picking The Winner Joke:
As you may have heard by probably everyone you know that uses the computer, YouTube "is closing".

Yes, it honestly made us all laugh listening to the whiny people complaining about YouTube closing, as well as a few of them freaking out. And one thing before we continue, some people still think YouTube will close, and those people are wrong. The video was posted on April 1st, and inside the video, it said that YouTube is closing at midnight tonight... And it is now April 12th when writing this article. YouTube is not going anywhere, especially when Google makes almost half of their money from YouTube.
Well, that covers all of the Major April Fools jokes Google had this year. Here are a few more that we won't cover in detail, but they still happened, but they were not that big:

- Google Fiber Bar : Spoof of Google's high speed free Internet, now translated into a "Fiber Bar"

If you know of any more pranks or jokes Google did this year, please comment them, as we will add them to the list.

Looking forward to what Google has planned next year!

Thursday 11 April 2013

How To Make an Awesome Minecraft Bukkit Plugin

As the "How to make an awesome Minecraft Server" post on the Minecraft forum has gotten a bit more popular, we had some suggestions, and this was one of them.
We will teach you how to make a good Bukkit plugin. Please note that this tutorial only helps you create a good plugin in our eyes, and we have worked with and made dozens of plugins. So our opinion might help you out quite a bit. If you are looking for a list of good plugins to find for a server, and not how to make a plugin well, please stay tuned for a post telling you what the best plugins are for each type of server (Creative, PVP, Economy, Semi Vanilla, Role Playing, Events, and/or Adventure maps).
Now onto the part about learning how to create a good plugin:

Get an idea for what your plugin will do and be about. If your not sure, try searching around a bit. Lots of people in the Minecraft community are looking for a custom/ new plugin for their server. If you want a different idea. Ask me in the comments and I will try to give you a suggestion!

On to the procedure!!!!
*NOTE:* WE ARE NOT SHOWING YOU HOW TO MAKE A PLUGIN. This article is assuming you already know how to make plugins, and work with Java. This is just giving plugin developers some ideas and/ or suggestions for the plugins they already have, or are planning on making.

1. Name your plugin:
Pick a small but original title for your plugin. You want one that catch the eye of server owners, but nothing that sounds like other plugins in the category that your plugin fits. For example, if your making a Server Economy plugin, don't make it sound like iConomy or Boseconomy. Try something that doesn't end with "Conomy" like a lot of other economy plugins do. We do agree that it does make the plugin more self explanatory, but it's no longer very original. Find another way to make it obvious on what it does; but nothing like the others. For example you could use jMoney; j for the first letter of the author of this post's name, and money to keep it away from the other plugins that end with the common "Conomy". If your satisfied with your plugin title, continue onto the next step.

2. Base lining code:
Start writing some of the code for your plugin, just the outline. What we mean by outline is; write the code that can make the plugin work, but nothing more, make it do what you wanted it to do when you got the idea for it. Once you think your finishing up, compile your code and run it on a testing server, and test out all the functions and commands for the plugin, checking for errors inside the console and in game if you specified it in your plugins code.

3. Making your plugin BETTER
Finally we reached the part of the article where we learn how to make the plugin BETTER.

     A.) Making a user configuration file:
Every server owner loves to make the plugins they install trace back to the server. Whether the functions and commands echo with a starting prefix they can customise or the whole echo they can customise, so they can replace it with their own wording, or even language. No server owner likes when a plugin that smears its logo all over the command output or chat output. If you want your plugin to be heard, put a command in the plugin that shows the plugin info, with version number and your name in it. If we install a plugin on our server, and they smear their logo all over it, we usually end up finding a less intrusive plugin. But if your plugin is good, and doesn't have branding, donate buttons, or authors names smothering it; most people will either look into the other plugins you have, or support you in some way. Our official server has an author plugin, which announces when one of our plugins authors join the server, and gives them certain items and permissions when they join the game, including all of the permissions for the plugin they made. (We made this, please don't ask for it). Moving onto more configuration; people want the most options possible in the written configuration file, leave the values or fields set in the config to be a reasonable amount for the average server (for those people that don't want to touch the config). If you don't know exactly what "give people the most options". It means let the end user have the most options to configure the plugin. Back to the example with the Economy plugin; a way you could give your users more option is by letting them edit the server name in the config, so when people do the command to see their balance, it could say at the top of the output "ExampleCraft Economy";. Also, you could make a feature where people can edit the money name. What I mean by that is, people can edit the output instead of "1000 dollars" they could do "1000 ExampleCraft Bucks". I hope that tells you a bit of what I mean. People like their own custom plugins that match their server. And the more options you give the user, the more people you can reach with the plugin

B) Most possible Commands:
Try to add every possible command to the plugin with the code you have made already, some people like simple plugins, but admins like a plugin that they can control in almost every aspect possible in game, no server owners likes logging into their console or editing files instead of typing a few things in In-Game chat, try not to give too many commands, just enough to make the players happy (Very few) and the admins happy (Commands to work the plugin, quite a bit more than player commands.)

C) Permissions
We all know that this may not be the easiest part of the plugin, but it will make a difference if your plugin is good in the eyes of the server owner and the people downloading your plugin, trust us. First make the permissions that would just relate to a OP and Non-Op system, so that people without a permissions plugin can use the plugin flawlessly. Give powerful commands to ops, and give the regular commands to players. Be careful though, some servers don't like players with some commands, so be quite restrictive on what you give players. Secondly, write the permission nodes for those server owners with permissions plugins. From experience, server owner don't like doing a whole lot of permissions, so if your plugin has lots of commands (Insane amounts) and a permission node for each, continue onto the next step. (Optional) Make some permission GROUPS. Not groups as in Admin, Moderator, or Owner. We mean groups like "". This will give the server admins the ease of adding multiple permissions. For example: For some of the plugins we have made, we make default group permissions like" , , , This means that all the permissions that a default player should have, should follow the format of "ExampleCraft.player.PermissionNodeHere , and all the moderator permissions should be "ExampleCraft.moderator.PermissionNodeHere .... etc.
This allows server owners to fine tune the permission to each group by adding them individually by adding for example "" or just by giving all the suggested default permissions to the player group by adding the permission "ExampleCraft.player.*".  This may seem like a lot for you to do, but it saves the people downloading your plugin and having to do all the permissions, and makes for some love for your plugin :).

4. Publishing your plugin
Post your plugin! Try writing a very detailed and well planned description and help documents about the plugin and try posting the plugin. I don't post to other sites besides BukkitDev because they are the most full featured, and easy to use, and has a huge community behind it, for support. But feel free to post anywhere else you feel you should, since the more you post it, the more people likely to use it. And I say it again, most people lose people because of poor documentation. Write help documents, command lists, permission nodes, and other documents you would need related to the plugin.

5. (Optional) Updating and support
Most plugins that get constant updates and support from the developer team and/ or authors become quite popular, because they can rely on them staying around, and that when they encounter a problem or bug, it will be fixed sooner or later in the future updates.

Well, that seems like it for now. If you know a tip to make your plugin better, please comment it below and I will add it, or if you have questions, you can also comment and respond to it once I get the time.

Thanks for reading!